
Impacting Youth Globally

God Shows Up Every Time

Purity & Winnie

Ends Camping - Kenya

Unscripted and unprompted, Purity and Winnie gave a recap of some of the fun they had at camp!

Pastor Teresia

Ends Camping - Kenya

Teresia is our guest speaker for camp and here she explains the growth be changes she saw in the girls during camp


Ends Camping - Kenya

“Worshiping God made me feel good and that God can never leave me”

FL Keys Program Testimonials

What people are saying...

The impact left on me [from camp] is immeasurable. I want to stop going through the motions of what a Christian is supposed to do and just have a personal relationship with the Lord.

The captain of our boat was extremely helpful. She encourages us to get out of our comfort zone and try new things. She taught us a lot about animals and boats and overall she was very helpful and nice. Even if we messed up she was nice about it.

The sail-boat program was so life-giving! To be with sweet people, surrounded by God’s creation. It felt like an overflow of Jesus’ own heart which sparked so much in me. It was a marvelous experience.

In Jesus' Name

We invite you to join us in multiple way such as sponsoring an at-risk youth, assisting with boat maintenance, connecting with youth and more!